Congratulations on purchasing this Protection Plan. Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully so that You fully understand your coverage under this Protection Plan. Please also review the Order Summary or purchase receipt provided to You at the time You purchased this Protection Plan. The Order Summary defines the Coverage plan, Coverage Amount and the Coverage Term of this Protection Plan.
- DEFINITIONS: “We”, “Us” and “Our” shall mean the obligor of this Protection Plan, X Shield LLC, 16192 Coastal Highway, Lewes, Delaware 19958. You may reach Us at (415) 583-5515. Administrator shall mean X Shield, LLC. “You”, “Your” shall mean the individual or entity who purchased this Protection Plan or the individual or entity to whom this Protection Plan was properly transferred in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. The following terms are used in the Order Summary Protection Plan Price: The price You paid for this Protection Plan. Coverage Start Date: This is the date when coverage starts under this Protection Plan. Coverage End Date: This is the date when Protection Plan coverage ends, subject to earlier termination pursuant to the terms of this Plan. Waiting Period: This is the amount of time, varying from zero (0) to thirty (30) days, between the Protection Plan purchase date and the Coverage Start Date, during which if any issues occur, they are considered pre-existing conditions and render the item ineligible for coverage under this Protection Plan. A Waiting Period applies to all Protection Plans. If during the Waiting Period a pre-existing condition is filed as a claim We have the option to decline such claim. We will not cover conditions that occurred prior to the purchase and activation of this plan. Coverage Term or Term: This is the years of coverage, varying from one (1) to five (3) year(s), You receive under this Protection Plan, starting on the Coverage Start Date which begins after any Waiting Period. The deductible protection plan is a reimbursement service agreement and does not replace, pays it on your behalf, or waives your deductible and is initially subject to your auto insurance provider claim approval. Only in case your insurance provider has accepted your claim, will your XShield deductible protection be valid in accordance to the coverage plan and its terms. Covered Product or Product: The product or type of product covered by this Protection Plan. Coverage Amount: The purchase price of the Covered Product. Coverage Type: This defines the level of coverage You purchased, such as whether Your Protection Plan includes Optional Coverage, such as additional coverage. Plan: your XShield deductible protection plan.
- COVERAGES AND TERMS: This Protection Plan will cover a deductible payment due to auto insurance collision policy claim as stated in subsections A below during the Term of this Protection Plan. The plan does not replace, waives or pays on behalf of the plan holder the deductible due in case of an auto insurance claim, but provides reimbursement of the amount paid as the deductible as stated by the plan and your insurance policy deductible. This Protection Plan does not cover repair, service or insurance on your covered vehicle for any of the causes or provide coverage for any losses set forth below in Section 9, “WHAT IS NOT COVERED.” Specific details about Your coverage under this Protection Plan are provided in the Order Summary. For online assistance and troubleshooting tips, visit and select the Support option. A. Auto collision insurance policy deductible: This Protection Plan provides coverage for the deductible costs of your auto collision insurance policy when your claim has been approved by your insurance provider. You must provide proof of your insurance provider claim approval in order to have rights to file a claim for your protection plan. You are limited to two successful claims in a 12 month period. Your coverage is limited to the amount covered by your plan or the deductible amount stated in your auto insurance policy, whichever is lower. You may be asked to provide additional proof to support your claim. Failure to provide proof of your insurance provider claim approval may result in the decline of your claim with us.
- WHAT TO DO IF I HAD A CLAIM: File a claim online at or call Us at (415) 583-5515.
- LIMIT OF LIABILITY: The total amount that We will pay in connection with all claims that You make pursuant to this Protection Plan shall not exceed the Coverage Amount. In the event that We make payments to you, which in the aggregate, are equal to the Coverage Amount, or if We provide a cash settlement reflecting the cost of your coverage, then We will have no further obligations under this Protection Plan. WE SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOST TIME, OR LOST DATA RESULTING FROM DELAYS IN SERVICE OR THE INABILITY TO RENDER SERVICE.
- YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES: A. Provide Us with a complete copy of your driver’s license, auto insurance policy, 5 photos of your car and make sure your policy on file is updated to your most current policy. You must make sure Your Plan is activated by providing all said requirements. For a claim to be accepted and processed You must provide proof of that Your insurance provider approved Your claim. You can send Us a digital copy through and We can store it for You. B. Purchase the correct XShield Protection Plan for Your needs based on Your Auto collision insurance policy.
- Any and all pre-existing conditions that occur prior to the Coverage Start Date of this Protection Plan;
- Any policy or information that is fraudulently described or materially misrepresented;
- Cases wherein the insurer denies a claim
- Damage covered under any insurance policy other than Your collision insurance policy
- Claims made under any improperly or incorrectly purchased Protection Plan
- Damage caused from weather/nature conditions
- Any type of claim other than deductible including but not limited to mechanical repairs, medical, personal injury, roadside assistance, towing and labor, theft, and any claim that was not approved by your insurance company under Your collision policy
- Other drivers that are not a part of Your plan
- CANCELLATION: You may cancel this Protection Plan for any reason at any time. To cancel it, log in to or contact Us at (415) 583-5515 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If You cancel this Protection Plan within the first thirty (30) days after purchase of this Protection Plan You will receive a 100% refund of the Protection Plan Price, unless a claim was filed. If You cancel after the first thirty (30) days from purchase of this Protection Plan, You will receive a pro rata refund based on the time remaining on Your Protection Plan. No fees shall be deducted from the refund and the refund will be sent to You within ten (10) business days from the cancellation request or else a ten percent (10%) penalty per month shall be applied to the refund. We may cancel this Protection Plan at Our option on the basis of nonpayment, fraud, or material misrepresentation by You. If We cancel Your Protection Plan, You will receive a pro rata refund. If We cancel this Protection Plan for nonpayment then We will provide notice at time of cancellation.
- ARBITRATION: Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Protection Plan, or breach thereof, will be settled by binding arbitration in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association. Under this Arbitration provision, We both give up the right to resolve any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Protection Plan by a judge and/or a jury. Prior to filing any arbitration, We jointly agree to seek to resolve any dispute between us by mediation, with all mediator fees and expenses paid by Us. If You are successful in obtaining an arbitration award against us greater than $500, We agree to pay all arbitrator fees and expenses. We also agree not to participate as a class representative or class member in any class action litigation, any class arbitration or any consolidation of individual arbitrations against each other.
- GUARANTEE: This is not an insurance policy. Our obligations under this Protection Plan are guaranteed under a reimbursement policy. If We fail to pay or provide service on a claim within sixty (60) days after proof of loss has been filed, You are entitled to make a claim directly against X Shield LLC, located at 16192 Coastal Highway, Lewes, Delaware 19958.
- ENTIRE CONTRACT: Unless revised by Us with at least thirty (30) days advance written notice to You, this Protection Plan sets forth the entire contract between the parties and no representation, promise or condition not contained herein shall modify these terms.
Copyright 2018 X Shield LLC. All Rights Reserved